Philip Pelkington’s Manhattan Showcase Project at Threshold Recording Studios NYC!

James Walsh Philip Pelkington Mark Ziegler Josh Priest Craig Magnano Matt Russell at Threshold Recording Studios NYC

Philip Pelkington’s Manhattan Showcase Project at Threshold Recording Studios NYC!

What a treat it has been for studio owner & music producer James Walsh to be in production on a new song with Philip Pelkington at Threshold Recording Studios NYC. The soon to be released track will be featured in the Manhattan Showcase Project ® with proceeds going to support the charity DIRECT RELIEF.

James Walsh Philip Pelkington Mark Ziegler Josh Priest Craig Magnano Matt Russell at Threshold Recording Studios NYC

Threshold Studios owner & music producer James Walsh recording with voice and talent development expert Philip Pelkington & musicians Mark Ziegler, Josh Priest, Craig Magnano &  Matt Russell

Philip is one of the very best in the business, with a skill set transcending vocal coaching. He has worked to develop the very best young vocal talent on the Broadway stage, feature film and television, and continues to inspire developing talent.

Philip Pelkington & Matt Russell at Threshold Recording Studios NYC

Philip Pelkington & Matt Russell at Threshold Recording Studios NYC



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